Gina Linetti is a character from Brooklyn Nine-Nine, a show set in the 99th precinct of Brooklyn. It is a sitcom on the lives of the detectives there and their journeys as police officers.Gina is not a detective, but a civilian administrator at the precinct. She is shown to have a great amount of self confidence and narcissism, but is also at times caring and helpful.
While her narcissism was the base for her jokes and was meant to be taken light heartedly, soon enough those jokes became less fun and more mean. They started becoming jokes that would actually hurt someone. A common saying in the fandom and even by her fans is that while her character is fun to watch, they would hate her in real life. This is quite the opposite of the other characters, whose strength is that they seem like real people you would love to hangout with.
Another major issue is her sexual harassment of Terry throughout the show. Her remarks on wanting to touch his body and even schemingly managing to do so, is borderline creepy and even disturbing how the creators seem to make a joke out of it.
Now there have been many narcissistic characters throughout various tv shows, but the major difference is that they have been repeatedly called out by the other characters and we see that this bubble of superiority remains only in their mind. The same cannot be said about Gina, no one around her ever calls her out and her narcissism is never shown in a weak light. Instead her constant displays of self praise are seen as normal. This makes watching her irritating and definitely not funny.
An amazing example of a narcissistic yet fun character is Tom Haverford in Parks and Recreation. While he also has the same air of superiority, he is fun to watch. Surprisingly, both the characters have been written by the same person. Yet the difference is astonishing.
She was certainly fun in the beginning but in the later seasons I don't know what happened. The time period between when she comes back from maternity leave and then leaves the show was one of her worse, and so her leaving was not sad at all. Somehow her character never fit with the others.
She did have her good moments too. Many times we see how caring she can be, and the lengths she goes to for the others, but those moments are all so little compared to her negative ones. Still Gina is definitely an iconic character.
"Hi, Gina Linetti, the human form of the 100 Emoji."
- Gina Linetti
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